out 24, 2022 | Destaque, Novidades do setor
Even as excess rains continue to hurt the kharif crops across key growing regions, the Government is looking to build stocks of imported pulses mainly tur (pigeon pea) and urad (black matpe) to augment supplies and for potential intervention in the market going ahead....
out 24, 2022 | Destaque, Novidades do setor
From grocery store aisles to restaurant menus, consumers around the world are being offered more and more plant-based options when it comes to dishes rich in protein. And based on the success of plant-based meat substitutes like those offered by Beyond Meat, whose...
out 24, 2022 | Destaque, Novidades do setor
SUCCESSIVE rain is causing significant quality problems and yield losses in many parts of eastern Australia, with chickpeas, lentils and faba beans hard hit. Early estimates say production of the three pulses could be down by around one third on what was expected in...
out 19, 2022 | Destaque, Novidades do setor
Os auxílios em massa que estão chegando a algumas categorias profissionais, junto com o abono salarial do PIS que a Caixa Econômica está despejando, devem fazer com que se evaporarem mais cedo nas compras de produtos básicos, como o arroz e feijão. A dupla da mesa...